Don’t Hit the Snooze Button

Anytime I write a lesson, I write a rough draft then set the lesson aside for a day or two so I can roll around the lesson in my head and pray over it.

This last week I was teaching on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus found in the Gospel of Luke. I like to try and understand why people do what they do so I wondered why the Rich Man would be so blatantly obtuse to the needs of Lazarus? The Rich Man walked by Lazarus who was starving and covered with sickness and never once did the Rich Man stop and help.

After studying and praying over the scripture I still couldn’t imagine anyone being so heartless. The Rich Man had to feel a tug at his heart to help someone in such need even if he didn’t follow through with an action to help. I kept going back to idea that the Rich Man knew he should help but maybe he thought he was just too busy. Then, one day, it was too late.

The morning I was teaching the lesson, I set my alarm for my normal time to get up. When the alarm went off I was tired so I hit the snooze button. The alarm went off and I hit the snooze button, again. This happened three maybe four times. Each time I hit the snooze I thought about the things I would not get to do but it didn’t make me get up. By the time I finally did get up I ended up with a quick shower but couldn’t wash my hair. Got a glass of milk but couldn’t eat. Got kids off to school but was late to work.

I really didn’t think about it applying to my lesson until started teaching it later that night. I hit the snooze button that morning thinking selfishly. I was doing what I wanted to do when in reality, I missed out.

It’s the same when God asks us to do something. We say we’ll do that later or I’ll help that person tomorrow but none of knows if tomorrow will come.  When God prompts you to do something, maybe give someone a hug, say a nice word, visit someone in the hospital or nursing home, just do it. Don’t be tempted to hit the snooze button or you’ll miss out on so many blessings!

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